
For years now, people have been trying to convince me to start a blog. Perhaps they are under the sadly misguided impression that I am funny. Or perhaps the schadenfreude they derive from observing the constant degradation that accompanies me in my day-to-day walking around time gives enough solace to their otherwise dreary lives that they are able to hold their heads up for one more day. Who can say?

I have never regarded myself as the sort of person whose life and opinions were worth putting on public display, and I often wonder why it is that everyone seems to think I am a natural born blogger. As much as our culture tends to embrace the potential for technology to network and bring people from disparate worlds together, I have always regarded those who actually do so as sad, desperate people who need to create a web of virtual camaraderie to mask the emptiness and isolation of modern living by fueling the fire of an otherwise unsatisfied sense of self-importance. And whenever someone suggests that I should join in the festivities, I always ask myself, do I really want to be one of those people?

But I finally paused for a moment to take stock in my life, and I came to some startling realizations. I have very few real friends and the sort of abundant free time that comes from having nothing of interest or value going on in my life; I have an innate sense that the world should be revolving around me and considerable bitterness about the fact that it doesn’t; I hold very strong opinions in spite of the fact that I am ill informed about virtually everything. In short, I already am one of those people.

So, I finally decided to give it a shot. I will use this space to update the world with all the awkward stories that come my way, which if the past can be taken as any sort of measure, will happen rather frequently. And in between moments of excruciating awkward, I will fill the silence with the inanities of my life and the random musings that occupy my thoughts.

To the extent that you care, I hope you enjoy.


New York City